Learn the Advantages of Using the Direct EB5 Category

Posted by Criminal Defense Lawyer Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If you have heard of the eb5 category that is sometimes used to get into the United States, you might wonder what the differences are between going about it directly as opposed to going through a regional center. Though both routes are technically eb5 pathways, one of them is referred to as more direct because those that choose this do not go through a regional center. You can learn the advantages of using this particular eb5 category before you choose.

If you are ready to get into the United States using the direct eb5 category, you likely have a business plan and $1 million. These are the two main requirements that you will need to show to officials from the USCIS before you are approved. This is more money than is required if you decide to join a regional center, as it is twice the regional center minimum of $500,000. However, the main advantage of taking this pathway is that a great business plan will go a long way. If you have an idea for a company that you think would be successful in this country, drawing up a professional business plan is essential.

Once you have done the most difficult part, which many believe is creating a solid business plan, your business could take off. If it is successful, you will have only yourself to thank for your success. Imagine knowing that you got to the United States and created a popular company that is self-sustaining. In many cases, this will mean that you alone accomplished your goals, as such success is typically a dream come true for anyone.

Per the rules for the eb5 category, you must create at least ten fulltime jobs. Unlike if you join a regional center, the hiring process will be up to you. This means more responsibility, but this also means that you get to pick the employees. If you choose carefully, you could end up with a great staff that not only helps you fulfill your eb5 requirements, but also contributes to the success of the company. Again, if this does occur, you can pat yourself on the back for making superior choices in hiring. Though the process is not typically easy, these days there are plenty of people who are eager to work, meaning that you can pick the cream of the crop for your company. In fact, if your friends are U.S. citizens and are qualified to do the job you need them to, you could even hire them.

Clearly, with the direct eb5 category comes more responsibility, but you cannot forget about the sense of achievement you will likely feel if your business succeeds. On the other hand, knowing the possible drawbacks of taking this route is also a good idea. Then, you can compare the advantages and disadvantages to have a complete picture of your possibilities.


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